10–11 Oct 2024 Publication Process
Asia/Makassar timezone

Development of Student Worksheets Based on the Guided Discovery Model for Class 11 Students at SMKN 5 Mataram

Not scheduled


Golden Palace Hotel Jl. Sriwijaya No.38, Sapta Marga, Kec. Cakranegara, Kota Mataram – Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA
Poster Presenter Other Poster


Muhammad Hafad Haikal (Universitas Mataram)


This research aims to develop a student worksheet based on guided discovery that is valid and practical. This is due to the lack of adequate learning media in the learning process. This results in low comprehension skills and student learning outcomes. The type of research used is research and development using 4D models (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The data collection technique uses interview and questionnaire guidelines. The data analysis techniques carried out consist of validity analysis and practicality analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the worksheet product developed obtained an average validity score of 85.75% by 4 material expert validators with very valid criteria and an average validity score of 84.5% by 4 media expert validators with valid criteria. The practicality of the product received a practicality score of 90.72% with very practical criteria based on the results of 25 respondents and obtained a practicality score of 85.71% with very practical criteria based on the results of teacher respondents. So it can be concluded that the development of LKPD based on guided discovery is valid and very practical to be used in the learning process.

Primary authors

Dr Laila Hayati (MATARAM UNIVERSITY) Muhammad Hafad Haikal (Universitas Mataram) Ms Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih (MATARAM UNIVERSITY)

Presentation materials