This study aims to describe mathematical literacy abilities in relation to the cognitive styles of fast-accurate, reflective, impulsive, and slow-inaccurate. This type of
research is a qualitative descriptive. The subjects of the study were 22 students of
class VIIIA at MTs NW Aik Ampat, East Lombok, for the 2024/2025 academic year,
consisting of 2 students with a fast-accurate, 6 students with a reflective, 11 students
with an impulsive, and 3 students with a slow-inaccurate. The subject selection
technique used was purposive sampling. The research instruments are MFFT
(Matching Familiar Figures Test), a mathematical literacy ability test, and interview
guidelines. The data analysis technique employed included reduction, presentation, and conclusion/verification. The analysis was conducted based on aspects of
mathematical literacy ability, including formulating situations into mathematical
forms; applying mathematical concepts, reasoning, and procedures; and interpreting
mathematical solutions. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that
students with fast-accurate and reflective cognitive styles were able to master all
three aspects of mathematical literacy, though fast-accurate students were less
meticulous in their writing. Meanwhile, students with impulsive and slow-inaccurate
cognitive styles were able to meet all three aspects of mathematical literacy but had not yet fully mastered them.