This research aims to produce an effective augmented reality-assisted project model science learning tools for increasing literacy and creative thinking abilities. This development research design uses a 4D model which consists of four main stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination. Effectiveness testing is carried out at the development stage after validity and practicality testing. The instruments used to test effectiveness consist of scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities. Analysis of increasing scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities using the N-Gain test. The effectiveness test was conducted on a limited and broad scale on class VIII SMP/MTs students. Scale trials are limited to one class and wide-scale trials to three classes. The research results in limited trials show an increase in scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities of 0.67 and 0.64, which are included in the medium category. Meanwhile, the results of extensive trials show an increase in scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities on average of 0.66 and 0.65, which are included in the medium category. These results show that the augmented reality-assisted project model learning tools developed is effective to increasing students' scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities.