10–11 Oct 2024 Publication Process
Asia/Makassar timezone

Embedding Sustainability into English Language Learning Environment: Using Storyboards in Non-Formal Learning

Not scheduled


Golden Palace Hotel Jl. Sriwijaya No.38, Sapta Marga, Kec. Cakranegara, Kota Mataram – Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA
Oral Presenter (Online) Science Parallel Session


Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)Ms Suria Hani Ibrahim (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)


This study investigates the effectiveness of utilizing storyboards as an instructional tool to enhance comprehension of ocean literacy and sustainability issues among primary school students in non-formal ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. The research involved analyzing 241 storyboards created by students, focusing on their understanding of oceanic ecosystems and related sustainability challenges. By engaging students in creating visual narratives, this approach aims to align with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 4 (Quality Education). The study employed thematic analysis to examine the content and quality of the storyboards, assessing how this creative method contributes to students' conceptual grasp of marine life and environmental stewardship. The principal results indicate a substantial improvement in students' ocean literacy, with many demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the importance of protecting marine ecosystems and the impact of human activities on the ocean. Additionally, the use of storyboards fostered greater engagement and motivation among students, enhancing their overall learning experience in ESL contexts. In conclusion, this research highlights the potential of integrating creative pedagogical tools like storyboards in non-formal education settings to promote environmental awareness and sustainable practices. The findings suggest that such innovative approaches can significantly contribute to achieving broader educational and sustainability goals, providing valuable insights for educators and policymakers aiming to enhance environmental education in diverse learning environments.

Primary authors

Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu) Ms Suria Hani Ibrahim (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)

Presentation materials

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