First-Generation College Students (FGCS) are defined as students whose parents did not attend college or never earned a college degree. First-generation college students are those who are the first in their family to go to college. First-generation college students also face greater challenges and obstacles in achieving their career goals compared to non-first-generation college students. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of perceived career barriers and career adaptability on the career decisions of first-generation college students. The population of this study were sophomores to juniors of Politeknik Ketenagakerjaan and Politeknik APP Jakarta. A total of 99 respondents were collected using the census method and analyzed using SEM-PLS. The results of the study found that perceived career barriers have a negative and significant influence on students' career decisions. Students' career adaptability is very decisive in making their career decisions and career adaptability has a negative and significant effect on perceived career barriers. Higher education organizers have a crucial role in improving career adaptability, especially in first-generation students, including: developing relevant curriculum and collaboration with industry, providing career guidance and counseling services, optimizing work practices and internships, encouraging soft skills training and initiating entrepreneurship development programs.