2–3 Oct 2024 Upcoming
Asia/Makassar timezone

Development of Achievement Motivation Measurement Instrument for High School Students

Not scheduled
Ballroom (Lombok)



ARUNA SENGGIGI RESORT & CONVENTION Jln. Raya Senggigi, Lombok – Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA
Oral Presenter (Offline) Teaching & Learning Parallel Session


Chaterina Yeni Susilaningsih (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya)


This study aims to develop an achievement motivation measurement instrument for high school students that can be used to measure the level of achievement motivation in high school students. Achievement motivation is a driving factor in acting and striving to achieve success and have a goal orientation to obtain satisfactory results. This type of research is development research related to the Thiagarajan development process, namely 4D (Four-D). The implementation of the study is limited to the Definition, Design, and Development stages. In this study, statement items were developed based on indicators, and the validity and reliability of the statement items were checked. Participants in this study were 55 high school student respondents in the city of Madiun. The 25 statement items used a Likert scale to measure students' achievement motivation. By product-moment correlation, 22 items met the valid criteria with a calculated r of 0.38. Meanwhile, the reliability test used Cronbach Alpha, which met the reliability criteria with a coefficient of 0.91. Based on these values, the measuring instruments developed in this study are valid and reliable in providing an objective measure of achievement motivation for high school students.
Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Valid, Reliable

Primary author

Chaterina Yeni Susilaningsih (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya)


Mrs Ana Easti Rahayu Maya Sari (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya) Mrs Gregoria Ariyanti (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya) Mr Mateus Yumarnamto (Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya)

Presentation materials