2–3 Oct 2024 Upcoming
Asia/Makassar timezone

Tanjung Luar Kreatif: Kerajinan Rumput Lari-Lari (Spinifex littoreus) sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Luar

Not scheduled
Ballroom (Lombok)



ARUNA SENGGIGI RESORT & CONVENTION Jln. Raya Senggigi, Lombok – Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA
Oral Presenter (Offline) Community & Society Parallel Session


Nurshahifah Fithri (University of Mataram)


Tanjung Luar is one of the villages located along the coastal area. It is situated in Keruak, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Tanjung Luar is a village that boasts diverse natural resources. The significant potential of this village should be harnessed by the local community, particularly the youth. Upon closer examination, Tanjung Luar Village reveals unique and promising features along its coastline, one of which is the uniqueness of wild plants that grow along the shorelines, commonly known as "Rumput Lari-Lari." These plants grow without adhering to specific seasons or months. This type of plant is a kind of grass commonly referred to as "Ravan’s Moustache." One of the untapped potentials in Tanjung Luar Village is to utilize this Ravan’s Moustache to create economically valuable handicrafts. The purpose of implementing this program is to provide knowledge and awareness to the community that running grass can be used to create high-value handicrafts. Additionally, the program aims to foster entrepreneurial skills, enhance personal and collective craftsmanship in handicraft production. The utilization of Ravan’s Moustache in handicrafts is expected to have a relatively high market value, create self-employment opportunities among the youth of Tanjung Luar Village, and elevate the creativity of students in producing useful and practical works.

Primary author

Nurshahifah Fithri (University of Mataram)

Presentation materials