Mathematics is still a subject that is considered difficult by elementary school students. One of the problems is that teachers have not prepared teaching materials that suit students' needs in interactive learning. This research aims to develop a HOTS-based Etnosasambo module product for elementary school students on class 5 building volume material, valid and practical. As a teaching module product to maximize the learning process. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model which includes 5 enter code here
research stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The research was conducted at SDN 28 Ampenan using expert validation sheet instruments and student and teacher response questionnaires to collect research data. The results of this research are that the module product meets validity standards with an assessment percentage at the media validation stage of 93.6% and at the material validation stage of 95%, so it is included in the very valid category. At the practicality testing stage, the module product met the practicality criteria with a small group trial assessment percentage of 93% and in large group trials 97.2% from students and 100% from teachers so it was included in the very practical category. Based on all the development stages that have been carried out, the HOTS-based sasambo ethnomathematics module product for elementary school students is declared valid and practical. The novelty in this research is the inclusion of elements of local wisdom from the Sasak, Sumbawa and Mbojo tribes in the material elements of the building space and is equipped with HOTS-based material which further motivates students to think critically.